Category Archives: Criminal Assault And Battery

Using your Right to Stand your Ground as a Defense Against a Battery Charge
In Florida, you have the right to stand your ground when you feel threatened. This is in contrast to laws in other states that impose a duty to retreat, a legal obligation to make every possible effort to escape from a threat before engaging in violence as a form of self defense. Your right… Read More »
What is the Difference Between Simple and Aggravated Assault?
An assault is a type of violent crime. It is the act of causing a victim to fear for his or her imminent safety through threatening words and actions. An assault can involve a weapon, but this is not a requirement. Assaults are often charged alongside other offenses. For example, assault is often charged… Read More »
Understanding an Assault and Battery Charge
Assault and battery are extremely common and broad charges that can cover everything from an argument to a near fatal attack. Defendants sometimes underestimate the seriousness of these accusations, but assault and battery are serious charges that can result in life-altering penalties. Some very common incidents often result in assault and/or battery charges, which… Read More »
Florida Man Accused of Assault with Marijuana Plant
In one of Florida’s stranger news stories, the Huffington Post recently reported on a man who was arrested on allegations of beating his brother with a marijuana plant that stood about three feet tall. According to the report, police were called out to the house of one brother on accusations of assault. When the officers arrived… Read More »