Monthly Archives: December 2023

Counter Arguments Are Possible for Almost Every Piece of Evidence
When you enter a plea of not guilty, you are claiming that you did not commit the crime of which you are being accused. Your next step is to find ways to persuade the jury that there is reasonable doubt about your guilt; remember that, if the jury is not sure whether you committed… Read More »

Mistrials and Florida Law
When a filmmaker ends a movie on an ambiguous or anticlimactic note, it is either annoying or a stroke of brilliance, depending on your perspective. For example, in many scary movies, the main characters manage to avert the danger that forms the main plot of the story, only for the movie to suggest, in… Read More »

Pink Cocaine, a Miami Original That Is Less Original Than It Sounds
In the 1980s, Miami Vice granted a pop culture mystique to several aspects of Miami’s aesthetic that never would have been cool in the 1970s. It wasn’t the obvious things, though, not the cops or the cocaine. Police-themed shows have represented an astonishingly large percentage of programming throughout the television era, and cocaine was… Read More »

The Many Faces of Obstruction of Justice
Federal and state laws outline very strict rules about how criminal cases are supposed to proceed, from start to finish. The origin of these rules of criminal procedure go all the way back to the Bill of Rights, and case law has elaborated on them over the years; every time someone appeals a verdict… Read More »