There is a Warrant Out for My Arrest—What Do I Do Now?

An arrest warrant is an official legal document signed by a judge or a magistrate that authorizes law enforcement officers to arrest an individual. If there is a warrant out for your arrest, it is crucial that you take immediate action to protect your rights and your future. Here, our Miami arrest warrant attorneys explain the steps you need to take if you believe that a warrant has been issued in Florida.
Step 1: Know What You are Facing: Arrest Warrant vs. Bench Warrants
As a starting point, it is important to stay calm: Take a moment to understand exactly what you are facing. The Florida Crime Information Center keeps an updated, but sometimes not exhaustive, arrest warrant database. You should also check with your local jurisdiction.
Among other things, you need to determine on what grounds the warrant has been issued. One of the first questions that you need to answer asks: What kind of warrant has been issued? The two most common types of warrants are arrest warrants and bench warrants.
An arrest warrant can be issued when there is (allegedly) sufficient evidence to prove that you have committed a crime. Police officers do not need to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to obtain an arrest warrant. Instead, they only need probable cause—meaning arrest warrants can and do get issued for innocent people.
The other type of warrant is called a bench warrant. Typically, it is issued by a judge after a person has missed a court date or violated the terms of their probation. To be clear, you can be arrested on a bench warrant. That being said, a bench warrant is usually easier to resolve than an arrest warrant.
Step 2: Do Not Ignore a Warrant—It Will Not Go Away
If you know that an arrest warrant has been issued for your arrest—whether it is an arrest warrant or a bench warrant—you need to take immediate action to protect your legal rights. The worst thing you can do is to ignore a warrant. Put simply, an arrest warrant will not go away on its own. Do not fall behind in the legal process.
Step 3: Call Our Miami Arrest Warrant Lawyer Right Away
You should seek professional legal guidance. An experienced criminal defense lawyer will be able to review all of the information that you have and help you take action to protect your rights. In some cases, you may be able to simply arrange the payment of a fine to satisfy the warrant. In other cases, the best available option will be to turn yourself in and begin building a criminal defense.
At Ratzan & Faccidomo, LLC, our Florida criminal defense attorneys have extensive experience representing clients who are facing outstanding arrest warrants and bench warrants. No matter the unique nature of your case, we are prepared to protect your rights and your freedom. To get immediate legal advice, call our law firm right now. With an office in Miami, we represent defendants throughout Miami-Dade County and the surrounding area.